Currency pairs

On this page, you can view a list of available currency pairs and add new pairs.

From currency

The alphabetic code of a base currency.

To currency

The alphabetic code of a quote currency.

Enabled for client

If Yes, a currency pair can be exchanged by clients in the B2Core UI; otherwise, No.

By default, this option is set to Yes.

Rates Custom Priority

The order in which exchange rates are obtained from exchange rate providers for this currency pair.


The date and time when a currency pair was last updated.

Max amount

The maximum allowed amount per exchange operation in a currency pair.


The minimum increment by which an amount can be changed at a time.

Enabled for admin

If Yes, a currency pair can be exchanged via the Back Office; otherwise, No.

By default, this option is set to Yes.

Request required
  • If Yes, requests for admin approval are created when clients initiate exchanges in a currency pair in the B2Core UI. After approval, exchanges are executed using the rates specified in the approved requests.

  • If No, exchanges in this currency pair are executed without admin approval.

By default, this option is set to No.