Import data

On this page, you can view a record of data imported to the Back Office as well as import new data.

If you have a CSV or TSV file containing some data about clients, their accounts or IB programs that was obtained from a third-party system, you can import this data to the Back Office.

General information

The following information is provided about each data import operation:


The name assigned to a data import operation.


The type of data that was imported. The following types of data can be parsed:

  • import-users — used to import the following client-related data from a CSV or TSV file:

    • Email required

    • Last name

    • Middle name

    • First name

    • Date of birth

    • Country

    • Phone number

    • Address

    • City

    • Postal code

    • Verification level

The imported data is displayed on the Clients > General page.

  • import-accounts — used to import account data for existing clients from a CSV or TSV file:

    • Email required

    • Account number required

    • Product ID required

    • Product currency required

The imported data is displayed on the Clients > Accounts page.

  • import-ibs — used to import IB-related data for existing clients (this data can be imported only from a CSV file):

    • IB Email required — the email address of an existing client that will be added as an IB partner

    • Client Email — email address of an existing client that will be added as a client referred by the partner.

    • IB Type ID required — the identifier of an IB program

The imported data is displayed on the Introducing Brokers > Programs > Introducing Brokers and Introducing Brokers > Programs > Clients pages.


The account and IB data can be imported only for the clients that have already been registered via the Back Office or B2Core UI. The registered clients are listed on the Clients > General page.

Created At

The date and time when an import operation was initiated.


The email address of a Back Office user who initiated an import operation.


The import operation status:

  • New — an import operation has been initiated but has not yet run.

  • In Progress — an import operation is running.

  • Success — an import operation has been fully completed.

  • Success with errors — an import operation has been completed, but at least one error occurred during import.

  • Failed — an import operation failed due to critical errors.

To view details of a selected data import operation, click the Edit button.


On the details page, you can find the Log messages and Error messages fields listing the details about the records that were successfully imported as well as errors that occurred during import.